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Cooperative Education


COOPERATIVE EDUCATION Students attending GMTCC have the chance to experience a variety of career options through paid and unpaid work experiences at local businesses and industries. GMTCC’s Cooperative Education Program, or Co-op, helps qualified technical students find part-time jobs where they get a chance to practice the knowledge and skills learned in their program with real-world experience and training. Co-op placements are an extension of the academic and hands-on education students get in their technical programs. Working together with employers of local businesses and industries, most eligible Co-op students who possess good employment traits and program entry-level academic and technical skills get paid while gaining valuable experience in his or her technical field. They also receive elective high school credit in addition to their technical program credit.

Co-op students are usually employed after school and on weekends; however, students who have met all of their academic credit requirements, may be able to leave school during their program time.

Many opportunities are based on local business and industry needs, especially with seasonal businesses and industries. However, when good entry level, part-time jobs are available that will enhance the student’s learning goals, matches are often made to everyone’s benefit.

To ensure student success in the Co-op Program, eligibility for enrollment is based upon good grades, instructor recommendation, demonstrated work ethic, mature behavior, excellent attendance, and a positive attitude. Over half of GMTCC’s Co-op students typically go on to college, apprenticeship programs, or the military where they use the valuable knowledge and experience gained through Co-op and their technical programs.